Monday, 17 June 2013

Oracle Reports Material Part 4

Modifying a Report by Reentering the Wizard
ü  Modifying an existing report definition by reentering the wizard.
ü  Creating a new report definition by restarting the step-by-step wizard.
1.    Choose Report Wizard from the horizontal toolbar of the Report editor.
2.    Choose Tools—>Report Wizard.
3.    In the Object Navigator, choose Report Wizard from the right-mouse-button menu.

Query Builder
Build your query using the Query Builder GUI. This saves you time and increases the
Ease-of-use for developers not familiar with building SQL statements or with the
application tables.
How to Use the Query Builder
1.    Choose Query Builder from the query page in the Report wizard.
2.    Enter your username, password, and alias in the Connect dialog box that appears if you have not already connected to the database.
3.    Select the data tables to build the query.
4.    Choose Include. The tables appear in the selection area.
5.    Choose Close to close the Select Data Tables window.
6.    In each table (if select multiple tables), double-click the column names that you
want in the query, or use the check box. To select all columns, double-click the
Table title bar.
7.    Choose OK.
ü  Query Builder copies the query syntax into the Report wizard. You can modify the
query by reentering the Query Builder or by modifying the SQL query stmt text.
How to Create a New Report
ü  To create a new report with the wizard when you are already in the Report Builder,
follow these steps:
1.    Select the Report node(module name) in the Object Navigator.
2.    Choose Create, the green plus sign in the vertical toolbar.
3.    Choose Use the Report Wizard.
Creating a Form-Like Report
ü  There are 3 significant features in the Form-like style that differ from the Tabular
1.    Labels appear to the left of each field.
2.    Each field appears to the left of the previous field, across the page.
3.    Each record appears on a new page.

Creating Break Reports
v  Break report styles: Group Left, Group Above
ü  When you select one of the break (or master-detail) styles—Group Left or Group
Above—the wizard displays an extra page, called the groups page, in which you
choose the columns that should be in each break group of the report. You can choose multiple levels of breaks.
v  Group Left: The output is displayed as columns across the page, with the groups
next to each other. All labels appear above the fields.
v  Group Above: The output is displayed with the groups below each other nested
within the parent group.
ü  The labels for all master groups appear to the side of the fields.
ü  Labels for the bottom detail groups appear above the fields, as in a tabular report.
v  Note : - How  to change the style from group above to group left?
ü  Tools-->Report wizard-->style-->group-->select group left-->click apply-->finish.

Creating Mailing Labels and Letters
Ø  When you choose the Mailing Label or Form Letter report style, the wizard displays

only four tab pages: Style, Data, and Template pages as before, and the Text page.

How to Create Text
1)    Select a field from the Available Field list.
2)    Choose > to display in the Text area.
3)    Type new lines and punctuation as required, or use the punctuation buttons supplied:
New Line, Space, Dash, Comma, and Period.
4)    Select additional fields from the Available Field list.

What Appears in the Text Area?
ü  The selected field name appears in the text area, enclosed in optional angled brackets
(<>) and prefixed by an ampersand (&). This indicates that the field name is a
ü  Each variable is replaced by a specific value at run time. You can type directly into the text area instead of selecting from the Available Fields list. However, remember to prefix each field name (variable) with an ampersand.
ü  Any word that you type without an ampersand appears as a text string in your mailing
label output.
For example:
Text Area                  Output
&<LAST_NAME>---- Velasquez
ü  The optional angled brackets allow you to display two variables side by side with no
separating space.

What Is the Difference Between Mailing Labels and Form Letters?
Mailing Label:- Multiple records on one page.
Form Letter: - One record on each page.

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