
List of LINUX Basic commands

BC: Command line calculator
CAL: Display the calendar
CAT:  To display the content on a standard output
CD:  Change directory
CLEAR: To clear the terminal screen
CP:  Copy file or directory
DATE: Prints the date and time
DF: To show the disk space usage
FREE:  Displays the system memory
HEAD: To display the first 10 lines of a file
HISTORY:  Command line history
HOSTNAME: Display the name of the current  host
LAST: Display the last logged in users list
LOGNAME: Present current login name
LS:  To list the directories
MKDIR:  To create the directories if they do not already exist
MV:  Move file or directory
PASSWD: To change the password
PWD:  Print\Present working directory
RMDIR:  To remove file or directory
SHUTDOWN:  Reboot or turnoff machine
SU:  Switch user accounts
TAIL: To display the last 10 lines of a file
USERADD:  To create a new user account
USERDEL:  To delete an existing user account
VI:  editor to edit the text
WC: Word count
WHO:  shows all usernames currently logged in
WHOAMI: Show the current user id and name